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The Hong Kong Canary in the Coal Mine

In the midst of the orchestrated chaos befalling the United States the past 6 weeks, this story was given the usual treatment by the mainstream media and quickly forgotten, these media groups counting on your lack of attention span to move on to other narratives they want you to remember. The CCP recently passed a sweeping new national security law targeting Hong Kong.  To quote an analyst on the BBC: It introduces new crimes with severe penalties - up to life in prison - and allows mainland security personnel to legally operate in Hong Kong with impunity... Its criminal provisions are worded in such a broad manner as to encompass a swath of what has so far been considered protected speech," said a posting on its website. Article 29 is perhaps an example of this broad wording.  It states that anyone who conspires with foreigners to provoke "hatred" of the Chinese government, or the authorities in Hong Kong, could have committed a criminal offence...Article 55 ...

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