The Hong Kong Canary in the Coal Mine

In the midst of the orchestrated chaos befalling the United States the past 6 weeks, this story was given the usual treatment by the mainstream media and quickly forgotten, these media groups counting on your lack of attention span to move on to other narratives they want you to remember.

The CCP recently passed a sweeping new national security law targeting Hong Kong.  To quote an analyst on the BBC:

It introduces new crimes with severe penalties - up to life in prison - and allows mainland security personnel to legally operate in Hong Kong with impunity...Its criminal provisions are worded in such a broad manner as to encompass a swath of what has so far been considered protected speech," said a posting on its website.
Article 29 is perhaps an example of this broad wording.  It states that anyone who conspires with foreigners to provoke "hatred" of the Chinese government, or the authorities in Hong Kong, could have committed a criminal offence...Article 55 gives Chinese mainland security operatives the right to investigate some national security cases that are "complex", "serious" or "difficult".
As the NPC Observer team note, these words are "highly subjective and malleable".  Trials can be held in secret (Article 41) and without a jury (Article 46). Judges can be handpicked (Article 44) by Hong Kong's chief executive, who is answerable directly to Beijing.
The law also reverses a presumption that suspects will be granted bail (Article 42).
That same provision also appears to suggest there is no time limit on how long suspects can be held. It says only that cases should be handled in a "timely manner".  Foreign nationals outside of Hong Kong face prosecution under the law (Article 38).
Donald Clarke, writing for the China Collection, a blog focusing on Chinese issues, wrote that a US newspaper columnist advocating Tibetan independence might fall foul of the law.
"If you've ever said anything that might offend the PRC (People's Republic of China) or Hong Kong authorities, stay out of Hong Kong," he wrote.

Link to BBC article

Add these new laws to the current Chinese social credit system and you have one of two possible futures for the United States of America.  If Joe Biden, or whoever is the Democrat candidate on November 3rd  (I don't think it will be Joe Biden), this IS our future. 

Despite the upheaval of the Trump Presidency, the amount of structural changes to America has been relatively low and with a Biden/Democrat Presidency, any movement away from the corrupt status quo will revert back and then beyond to a new level of corruption, chaos and divergence from the Constitution.  I am arguing that the movement beyond will encompass these same Chinese laws that we are watching now play out in Hong Kong.

When Hong Kong was handed to the Chinese by the British in 1997, part of the accords stipulated that the freedoms they enjoyed under Western rule would remain for 50 years (2047).  Obviously, the Chinese no longer feel bound to this arrangement. 

Where are the British?  The Americans?  The EU?  The UN? 


All are either occupied with internal developments or have been thoroughly corrupted by Chinese Yuan. 

Make no mistakes, folks, this election in November is about very clear things. 

It is NOT about Trump and Biden or Democrats and Republicans or mundane policy differences. 


Don't be confused by anything else.  The Cabal is broadcasting through their assets and allies, like the CCP, what they plan to do with us. 

It is up to us to say - NO.


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