Tyranny and the most powerful word on Earth
I want to start by reminding everyone who reads this blog post for however long it exists on the Net:
You have God-given rights that cannot be issued from any government and cannot lawfully be taken away from you.
Think about this because we have been under the assumption, at least a large portion of America, that rights and freedoms come from government and government decides when you have them and when you don't, when you can exercise them and when you can't. As an American, this is 100% false.
Americans in the United States of America, established so carefully by the Founding Fathers who acknowledged in the founding documents of this country, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution (that includes the Bill of Rights - the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution), have rights that cannot come from any government. They come from God. God determined when He created men that they would have these abilities and actions.
Government does NOT determine whether you have the freedom of speech.
Government does NOT determine whether you can assemble with your fellow man or not.
Government does NOT determine whether you must incriminate yourself.
Government does NOT determine whether you can worship God and how.
Government does NOT determine whether you can defend yourself and your family with arms if necessary.
Government does NOT determine who can enter my house without PROBABLE CAUSE
This is not an exhaustive list, but in the times that we are currently living in, there is a temptation being presented by government officials, elected and unelected, and by the mainstream media that these rights can be suspended or eliminated in certain times and that we are living in those times. They have argued that this pandemic is a crises that matches the Constitutional standard as a national emergency. The Constitution only names an insurrection (Civil War) or an invasion that matches this standard. No mention of health scares. They have argued that this virus could destroy the country and kill millions if your civil rights, those God-given rights, AREN'T restricted. You must become slaves to save the country.
Does this make sense to you?
Whether you call it Covid-19, Chinese Coronavirus, or the Wuhanvirus, this virus hasn't exposed our weakness as a country. It has exposed the Despots and Tyrants among us. They come in all walks of life. They do not need to be the President or Governor. They can be anybody in any level of government, elected and unelected, who extends their authority beyond its scope to infringe upon your God-given rights. They can be your next door neighbor who calls the cops on you because you're outside. It can be the person who refuses to get on the elevator because you don't have a mask on. It can be the big box retailer who now says you can only enter into their store if you wear a mask and stay 6 feet away from everyone else. Their only explanation, when they've declared one, is that all of these actions are for your safety.
Their evidence? Baseless comments told with emotional invective possible. They don't want you to listen with your mind, they want you to react with your emotions. They don't want you to question their reasoning, they want you to go along and conform like, they tell us, everyone else.
This is the most egregious of excuses without defense. Morally, the paternalistic response without explanation harkens back to a state of nature that we have long since distanced ourselves from. A time when education was in the hands a select few and the masses had to simply submit because those in power knew better.
Too many of us not in their sphere, who have lost business and jobs and incomes, are asking the hard questions and doing independent research that proves the NARRATIVE of this virus isn't true. The narrative cannot hold. It collapses upon any review of it by facts. But where is this debate?
So again: Have they proven their case? Have they had to prove their case?
Technically, the government has to prove this standard. When the Confederacy declared their separation from the Federal government, a state of Civil War was present. That met the standard which allowed President Lincoln to suspend Habeas Corpus (though Supreme Court Justice Taney strongly disagreed that he had the power to and this is still a Constitutional debate - who, the President or Congress, can suspend Habeas Corpus in times of war. This might come up again soon.)
But no one has directly challenged the dominant NARRATIVE. Those with louder voices concede the narrative, then try to argue that this adjustment should be made, or that this town should open up, with precautions earlier, etc.
But once you accept the NARRATIVE they have thrust upon us, you have already lost the debate because you allowed them to set the rules. And in any battle for power, the one who sets the rules, who gains the high ground, usually wins.
The NARRATIVE must be challenged.
It isn't disrespectful to the dead to challenge it. It guarantees that they didn't die in vain. That they will not be sacrificed, along with the Constitution, so that a new form of government, one of TYRANNY is established on this land.
This NARRATIVE has used the standard manipulation and psychological practices of mass media and hysteria to drive fear and panic into the minds of the American people so that they can gain this "de facto" approval for these actions.
But they haven't proven this meets the standard. Their facts aren't facts, but projections. Their logical arguments aren't logical but illogical. Their science isn't science, it's magic.
We have been duped and in the process, we are currently removed from our rights. We have lost our assets and the ability to take care of our families.
Where is the advocate for Americans and their rights?
He is nowhere to be found. Nobody with any power or standing in this country has stood up and said - NO.
We collectively, as a people, have not stood up and said - NO.
NO is the most powerful word on Earth. This word is the fullest expression of free will and personal sovereignty.
NO is what we are called upon to say now. NO, we will not concede our liberty and God-given rights. NO, we will not remain disenfranchised from our assets and our ability to take care of our families. NO, we will not be quiet and submit. NO, we will not conform.
The Founding Fathers acknowledged the central and foundational premise, this Truth of God-given rights, and sought to create a government based upon the recognition of this Truth. Our entire country is based upon this. It doesn't function if it deviates from this.
We are traitors to the idea of America if we don't stand up now and say - NO.