Reject the Narrative.
Something that gets lost in our daily life is the degree to which our experiences and impressions are shaped not by our own choices and will, but by others. Subtle word choice and imagery, combined with expert opinions on TV shows and in news articles crafts a story, a narrative for us to embrace as fact and to make our decisions based upon it.
This effect of mass communications has been known from the beginning and has been used to stunning effect throughout the last 100 years. The technologies used to transmit "narrative" to the masses, starting with the printing press, to radio, TV and now the Internet have strengthened the ability of those in control of these technologies to influence the opinions and behaviors of billions.
But to what effect? What's the final outcome of this manipulation?
The destruction of human freedom.
Before I go on, I want you to take a moment and think about that. The destruction of human freedom. Imagine a world like that. Imagine a world where humans were not free:
- to think, act, love, believe, or pray as they choose .
- to not raise your children as you would like, including providing them experiences that you would like them to have.
- to imagine and create.
- to say No.
I call that world Hell on Earth. I jealously guard my thoughts, my feelings, my beliefs and passions. I can't imagine me not being me if I didn't have these things that I chose to embrace.
But imagine if I hadn't made those decisions, but that those choices were made for me by manipulating me through what I saw on TV, what "facts" I were presented with, what "knowledge" I was told, what commercials played on my deepest desires to sell me things that I "wanted", what people to listen to by carefully limited what websites, podcasts, videos, and other content I could access on the Internet.
The movie, The Matrix, has been in the popular culture since it was released in 1999. And a common phrase from the movie is about taking the Red Pill and see how far the rabbit hole goes. In essence, to choose to see what reality really is as opposed to the veneer of a false world. Neo, played by Keanu Reeves, chooses the Red Pill and once he takes it, everything in his world changes.
The phrase "redpilled" is becoming more and more popular because it's the most pop culture way of expressing the rejection of the narrative presented to us by those who control mass communications. And just like with Neo, it takes courage and guts. Because when you first accept that the world you're told about doesn't seem right and you say to yourself that you want to know more, you're deciding independence over conformity, free will over determinism, isolation from groupthink, autonomy over slavery.
Facts and information will be made known to you that you hadn't imagined existed. The world you thought was real was fake and you'll never act the same again. In The Matrix, for Neo, the transformation is incredibly dramatic (because it IS a movie and it has to be made clear to the audience) and though it can't be as dramatic for us, it will be disturbing and challenging which could be why many choose to remain where they are.
With all that being said, I want to encourage you take the leap of faith, the go into the unknown and see what's on the other side.
And I want to be there to help you. Reply to this post, or any post or even on my Twitter feed (@JamesTScorpio1) and I will reply with whatever I can to help. But I want you to start here:
Reject the Narrative.
Wake up and begin your day with the premise that what is being thrust upon you throughout mass communications is a narrative, a story just like any fiction story you might have read. It's heavily crafted with a narrator that wants you to come away believing something.
Think to yourself - what does this news report/article/blog post/tweet/FB post want me to believe?
Now, you have to be disciplined and be rigorous to do ask this question with EVERYTHING. Don't just do it with something that seems obviously opinionated. Do it with supposedly factual mass communications. And do it every single time. Then, I want you to do your own research. Use DuckDuckGo as your search engine and start looking.
This won't be easy as the subjugation of knowledge has been underway for years, primarily by Google. But they can't hide everything. Seek and you shall find.
When you've come to accept that the Narrative is there for you to acquiesce to your own slavery, you will never trust their messaging again. You will regain your curiosity and independence. You will lose friends and family. You will distrust what you once believed. You will become angry because of what they did to you.
The response? Pass it on. Wake somebody else up. Free somebody else from slavery.
Now, I'm going to give you an example we're all living through right now: the Covid-19/Wuhanvirus in America.
Here's what the Narrative has been (and immediately after each segment, another narrative)
January, 2020:
There's a virus that jumped from animals, most likely bats, to humans in Wuhan, China. We don't know what it is, but it's affecting some people. It's not a threat to the general population nor to anyone else around the world. Don't worry about it.
It was known that this was type of Coronavirus that had been manipulated in the Wuhan Center of Virology. It had HIV and Malaria genes inserted for added effect. It is known that it attacks the ACE2 Receptors in the lungs and can cause a Cytosine Storm within the body causing death. It spreads like any other cold/flu virus but seems dangerous to at risk groups (old people, people with pre-existing conditions). It doesn't seem to affect children. Chinese doctors report that a combination of Hydroxycholoroquine, Anti-malarial drugs and zinc is working. Other SE Asian countries immediately start using anti-malarial drugs as treatment against this virus with success. On January 16th, Twitter starts blocking posts from China regarding virus. Chinese doctors who talked about virus go missing.
early February, 2020: This virus in Wuhan has spread to other parts of China because of the Chinese New Year. It may pass person to person, so the Chinese government instituted quarantines and building new hospitals (very quickly). Still not a threat to us, but American companies have supply chains that might be affected.
Half the population of Wuhan had left the city to other parts of China and the world (including Turin, Italy because all the mills operating around Turin are Chinese owned.). Crematoriums are working at max capacity throughout Wuhan. Chinese authorities are locking people in their apartments without more food, which means they will starve to death. Rumors circulate that the CCP is using the virus to get rid of dissidents, including in Hong Kong. China exerts heavy influence with WHO to not put the blame on China nor to encourage other countries to shut down flights from China.
February 20, 2020: Wall St. starts selling off because of supply chain concerns from China because of the Wuhanvirus. Because so many of our products sold in US markets comes from China, their quarantines will affect what will be available to American consumers. Still not a threat to our health, but we're going to see some effect on our economy because "the Earth is Flat."
Factories had been shut in China since the 2nd week in January. Wall St. was fully aware of the issues in China since early January and would have known of supply chain concerns for at least a month before this. They also knew that Chinese markets had banned short selling since January. But Wall St. waited till 2 weeks after the Impeachment trial of President Trump before deciding that today was the day the were going to sell off the markets and panic anyone with money in the market. This sell-off started looking eerily familiar to 2008 crash.
early March, 2020: The virus is really affecting Italy and Iran because travel hasn't shutdown from China and it's inevitable that it's going to get to America. It's killing a lot of people and we don't know still what it really is, though it could be a kind of Coronavirus (which makes up over 30% of cold infections every year), but it's racist to call it Wuhanvirus, so the WHO calls it Covid-19. This is going to spread throughout America if we don't do something.
They've known the virus, what's in it, and how to treat it since January at least (probably earlier) because of easily accessible papers and postings from, among others, Chinese doctors who were dealing with the virus first hand. They know that you can catch it the same way that you can catch a cold or flu. They know masks won't actually help you, nor the magic 6 feet of distancing. But it's a useful barometer of fear and control. The Imperial College UK model showing millions of American deaths was never reliable, yet public health officials rapidly move to use it to further scare Americans. Public health officials also know that you only quarantine sick and at risk people, not healthy people, but they float it and politicians embrace it and Americans don't fight it because of fear.
mid March, 2020: This virus ISN'T the flu. It lives on everything for a long time AND you can catch it from Asymptomatic people. So the only way that we're going to be able to "keep Americans save" is if we lockdown the country. Everybody. And every day that goes by, more people will die. People must not leave their homes except to go to "essential businesses". They can't be outside because you can catch the virus that way. Stay indoors. Do nothing. We're "flattening the curve" which will prevent our healthcare infrastructure from being overrun by infected people.
Outside of some extenuating circumstances with other illnesses, this virus has the same mortality rate as the seasonal flu. Some factors may require more drugs than a usual flu, but a vaccine isn't likely to come around anytime soon. Because it's a cold/flu virus, they know how it spreads and how to keep people save, but instead choose wildly more restrictive policies for some reason. Fear is continued to be encouraged. Ratting out your neighbors becomes commonplace. "Essential businesses" turn out to be national chains at the expense of local, small businesses, who will not recover so Americans can only have a selection of several companies for all their needs. The definition of Fascism.
late March, 2020: There is no way we're going to go back to the way it was. No more handshakes. Everybody will have to wear masks in public. Many businesses will have to change how they do business if they want to survive, but we recognize that many businesses will have to close. "Essential businesses" must remain open. They only way we're going to get through this is if we have a complete nationwide lockdown AND a vaccine. Only with a vaccine, which will take 12-18 months, will we be able to open up the economy again. Remember, this virus is the worst thing humans have ever faced. But we should be inspired by what China has done to get past the virus. We should copy China.
They know masks are only symbolic. They aren't guaranteed to protect anyone unless the person wearing it is already sick. They know asymptomatic people don't carry enough of a viral load to infect others...unless they are stuck in close quarters for long periods of time (like families stuck inside at home for weeks on end.) Vaccine as magic bullet continues, though a safe vaccine could take years or even decades. Millions have lost their jobs that aren't coming back. The strongest argument for reelecting Trump, the economy, has been destroyed. November election now a toss up. Still unknown deaths in China - and nobody is asking.
early April, 2020: Elections will have to be held with mail-in votes. It's the only way to vote in this pandemic. Vaccine is the only answer. Everyone must be on board. It's patriotic to wear masks, to quarantine, to do whatever the government authorities tell us. Shut up and obey. This is an existential threat and the only way we're getting past this is if everyone does what they're "suppose to do." Report anyone not on board what "needs to be done."
Mail-in votes and vote harvesting are the easiest ways to commit voter fraud (which looks like it happened in various red Congressional districts in 2018 to turn them blue and then enable the Impeachment movement.) They're upping the peer pressure so much now that they're taking ridiculous liberties with medical facts and it's starting to get noticed, but they don't care because they control mass communications outlets.
I could go on, but this is a rough idea of what the Narrative has been.
In a nutshell, it's this: Covid-19 is very, very dangerous to everyone and the only way to defeat this virus, save lives, and keep everyone save is if we severely limit personal freedom and movement till there's a vaccine that everybody is going to have to take. And if you don't do what we tell you, you're going to get it and give it to somebody you love and care for and it's likely one of you will die. So listen to us and do everything you can to not get it (which is what we tell you to do.)
This Narrative has been dramatically successful to a degree that not foreseen. It has gotten many people to think and act irrationally about the virus and with suspicion toward people not "doing what they're suppose to be doing."
This Narrative will rip this country apart and weaken us to such a degree that when a new President comes to power in January, 2021 (because they will lay all of this at Trump's feet and there will be massive voter fraud.), they will begin instituting a Chinese-inspired regime that will take away your civil liberties forever. Eventually, as the USA continues to weaken in the face of Chinese corruption, and bribes of American officials, professsors, and businessmen, the US will turn into a vassal state of China implementing the same freedom destroying policies that China has had in place for decades.
We must fight for our minds and perceptions. We must defend our God-given freedoms.