The Tumbling of the Gods - Part 1

As a historian, a conservative, a lover of art and culture and as a child of western civilization, I watched with natural, organic disgust at the recent spate of statues tumbling at the hands of Marxist revolutionaries throughout the USA (though generally in Democrat controlled precincts.)  I watched as the illiterate masses of Millennials, without any stake in our current society or the world in general, who haven't found the courage to commit themselves to another person, whether that be a spouse or a child, decide that these statues deserved destruction while the hired hands of our security stood back to watch.

I blamed these spiritually unwashed masses.  I blamed the cowering cops as they stood aside.  I blamed the Marxist Left for their nihilistic ideology.

I blamed everybody but myself and my kind.

People like me, who love western civilization, who value was has been born of it (including me), who see the light that it has brought to the world (mainly through the Light of Christ that was brought to the 4 corners of the world by Catholic missionaries), stood back and let this happen.

We laughed as the enemies of civilization told us what they were going to do.  We mocked their atheistic, nihilistic, decrepit ideology that, rather than produce the Superman, produced the human equivalent of Spongebob Squarepants.  Militant lesbians and beta male soy boys, we called them.  We were defiant in the greatness of our beliefs, like a grand Colossus of Rhodes that could never be toppled.

"We defeated the Hun, the Nazi, the Communist.  We are immortal!"

And all the while, beneath our noses, they crawled from the shadows like cockroaches to infect our body politic bringing disease and pestilence to our instituations.

They brought Marxism to the Universities.

They brought cronic poverty to the inner cities.

They brought race and gender theories to our public schools.

They brought abject corruption to our public servants.

They brought endless, mindless entertainments streaming into our homes.

They brought increasing restrictions on our liberty and convinced us that to the producers in society that this was the cost of doing business.

They brought vanity and ego to our children as they withdrew winning, sacrifice, hardship from our children and convinced generations of America's youth that they were so special and all winners so they didn't ever have to keep score.

They brought wars and conflict in the name of the god of democracy but left only destruction in it's wake.

They brought unique rights not derived from natural law, but from the law of man and his imagination then enshrined them in reality.

We sat back and did nothing.

Now we lament from afar as they topple statues.  Yet, none of us are so disturbed, made to feel so uncomfortable, that we ran out to these locations and attempted to stop them.

What will it take for us to actually get out of our perceived comfort and risk our fortunes and creature comforts, let alone our lives and sacred honor as the Founders did, to defend our civilization?  Civilizations come and go, but they are never perpetuated without action.  No civilization can withstand the shallow words and vanished action of our current crop of Westerners.

We are becoming impotent to defend our very existence, whether in words or actions.  If we cannot summon the vigor and passion to defend what our was built for us, we deserve to lose them. 

I don't mean to be harsh, as is sometimes claimed in my personal life, but the time for nice words and subtle action is long past gone.  This requires pulling from our guts the necessary essence of life to fight for existence itself.  We cannot mimic what our enemies are.  They have nothing driving them but the desire to destroy, maim, and kill.  It might be parsed in words of solidarity and tolerance.  But make no mistake - the outcomes of their actions will be destruction. 

It has always been easier, from the fall of Satan, to destroy rather than to create.  But creation is the essential quality of humanity, the one pure gift from God to all mankind.  Our enemies create nothing.  They are banished from that grace.  We will be banished as well, but not because of some Luciferian choice as our enemies has chosen, but because we choose a destiny that we feel we are deserving - annihilation. 


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