To Evangelize or not to Evangelize, that is the question
Apparently, during Saturday's Mass in Rome, AntiPope Bergoglio made the following comments:
"Many say "Yes, I am a Christian, I am a Catholic, but..." as if it were a social attitude. In the identity card you are called this, like this, and "I'm a Christian". It is data of the identity card. This is not faith. This is a cultural thing...Go to the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature (Gospel reading)." This does not mean proselytizing, as if recruiting for a football team. Faith is "no proselytism." It is to show revelation, so that the Holy Spirit can act in people...In Poland, a university student asked me: "But in university I have many atheist companions. What do I say to convert them?" -- Nothing, dear nothing! The last thing you need to do is say something. Start by living and they will see...How many times in the Church, in history, movements, groups, of men or women were born that wanted to convince others of the faith, to convert...True "proselytists." And how did they end up? In corruption." Source: Twitter account Catholic Sat (@CatholicSat)
I know that's a lot to sort through, but please read it. I took those quotes directly from the Twitter feed cited, word for word. I'd also like you, if you have the time to refer back to my previous post "Thought Experiment" which is directly tied to this topic.
So, should Catholics try to convert non-Catholics to the Faith? Should they use words or only their example?
What was once a self-evident part of the Faith has been brought into question for the last 60 years and now the Church is 180 degrees from what it taught since Christ. So which one is correct?
There seems to be a pattern in all things with the Church - two diametrically opposed positions, one old, one new. And the Church hierarchy and all its lapdogs throughout the Catholic world have gone to great lengths to convince you that the new approach comes from a nuanced view of Divine Will and that the Church is now more attuned to His Will than before plus its more appropriate for the world we live in now.
So who's right? The Church up to a certain date or the current Church leadership?
Personally, as a historian, a Conservative, and a Burkean (after Edmund Burke), I defer to tradition, history, and time. So I need a really good reason before I accept change. That change must be small and left alone to be observed over time in order to see what the intended and unintended side effects are before determining a course of action from there.
So first, lets establish, basically, what Catholic evangelization was:
- Words - speak the Truth to the entire world. What is the Truth? The Gospel of Jesus Christ that contains His life, death and Resurrection.
- Actions - How does the Truth influence how you act in daily life? What are you willing to do daily to reflect the Faith and the teachings of Jesus Christ?
- Prayer - Pray to God for assistance in moving the hearts and minds of others to come to Him through the Faith.
- Actions - live like a Christian.
The Supernatural Faith. This adjustment isn't small and time tested. It's rushed and ruthlessly enforced. It's streamlined and codified to not offend or challenge false beliefs and assumptions that do nothing for a person's immortal soul.
It also turns the Catholic Church into an NGO (secular Non Governmental Organization.) and removes the Divine mandate from it.
Hence, I will not support the clearly articulated statement above from the AntiPope.
One last thing -- If you want further evidence that the evangelization of the Faith across the four corners of the Earth is divinely mandated in all 3 above, look no further than the next great celebration of the Church - Pentecost. Read up on what Pentecost actually is, what comes upon the Apostles, and what they are required to do. It is also the official birthday of the Catholic Church. The Church is intimately tied to Pentecost and the Divine command that occurred on that day to the Apostles. It encompasses the ONLY reason for the Church - the conversion of souls to the Truth so that they may be saved.
AntiPope Bergoglio, and thousands of clerics across the world over six decades, have denied this. They are teaching a false faith for a false church. That's why I call all of them Judases. They betray Christ and they do not serve His Church.
As I said in my previous post, the only purpose for the Church is to convert people to the Truth for the salvation of souls. Bergoglio proved my point for me again today.
I strongly suggest that you contemplate this argument.
Comments welcome and God bless.