Hello Everyone,
It's been over 4 years since I last posted on this blog. I'm amazed that I remembered the password. LOL.
So I guess you're wondering - where have I been and why am I back over here?
Well, things happen in life and you have to prioritize, so this took a back seat to commenting on Twitter (as James T. @JamesTScorpio1) and taking care of my family. Since Twitter is essentially the news aggregator of the world right now, I stayed up to date on both geopolitics and Catholic Church matters. And though I was frustrated by space cap on each Tweet, it took this weekend to be frustrated enough to return to my blog. So that's why I'm back -- to have greater space to expand my truncated thoughts on Twitter. (Isn't that the reason for a blog anyway?)
So, let's review what you'll find here: commentary on the Catholic Church, Geopolitics, and Western Civilization. I might be snarky or sarcastic at times, but I will try to limit that to clear, concise points, hopefully using citations but designed to be abundantly clear.
So here are a few guide points here for old and new visitors:
- I will try to write posts so that they can be read in about 5-10 minutes max.
- I will provide citations when possible
- I am not a Catholic theologian though I took 4 years of high school catechism classes and RCIA (I can go into this later if asked). I know the Faith and will defend what I know. If I don't know it, I'll ask.
- My educational background is history and economics. My opinions will come from this background.
- I welcome comments, but I won't respond to each one.
- Each post will be announced on my Twitter account above. Please follow if possible.
- I have strong opinions, but I am not anyone special and do not want to cultivate any cult of personality. So please, no fan mail. 🤣
Just for the record, since I have been one of those trad Catholics who has attacked Trad, Inc. in recent months, I want to state clearly that this blog doesn't make me any money. 😉
Now that we're through the obligatory, let's dive in:
Happy Easter!
He is risen.
One of the foundational and most profound truths of the Catholic faith - Our Lord defeated death and ensured for us a pathway to return to Him despite our fallen nature. It's the whole point of the Faith. So enjoy the day with friends and family.
Now, I could go into Bergoglio, the Wuhan Virus, the Stock Market, President Trump, the Lockdown or China. But I won't. Not today. Maybe tomorrow.
I want to address and talk to the real Catholic Church.
We're now past Lent, and I will say all things being equal, I will consider my Lent successful. So now what?
Well, I'm creating a new challenge for myself and I ask others to join me in their own way.
I want Catholic men to become better and take on more responsibility. So I challenge Catholic men out there to train themselves to be better prayer warriors as well as better actual warriors.
The Church has a rich and extensive history of prayers and devotions. It's time that we committed to this service work that will not only protect us from the demonic enemy, but will produce fruits within us, our families, communities and the world. But I'm not going to tell you what to pray or which devotions to take on. I will share the ones I started today and I encourage you to post what you're taking on.
- The Golden Arrow devotion (revealed by Our Lord in 1843)
- Daily Prayer to my Guardian Angel
- Chaplet of St. Michael the Archangel
- Devotion to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary (revealed by Our Lady in 1912)
- Invocation in honor of the the Holy Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ
- Prayer to the Shoulder Wound of Christ
- Anima Christi
- Prayer to St. Joseph.
I might add other devotions as I come across them, but these have been added to my normal prayer routine (and of course, my daily rosary.)
With that, this post is already longer than I wanted, so I'll leave it at that. I'll address the warrior part tomorrow. The world is being challenged and we need to step up now.