The Value of Things, Part 2
Number of rosaries done in reparation for the desecration of the Eucharist:30
Number of people signed up for daily rosaries for this intention: 1
On November 28th, I posted about the value of things in order to present a perspective on life, human events, and the Church that could be enlightening.
I want to continue this topic because for those of us who believe, it is crucial for us to understand how we prioritize our lives as well as evaluate how others prioritize theirs. Though our lives shouldn't be spent focusing on others, it is important for us to understand how our leaders orient their priorities and what they choose to tell us and teach us.
I focused on one speech from Pope Francis to show that he really doesn't prioritize supernatural Faith or the divinity of Christ. His priorities square with the humanism of liberation theology and he is guiding the Church based upon that set of values. His attacks on traditional, orthodox Catholics, equating them with the fundamentalists of other religions, clearly show his contempt for the orthodox view of Christ and the Church. That he says it so often suggests that it is a high priority for him to eliminate these Catholics from the fold while simultaneously welcoming everyone else in.
Pope Francis and his bishops like Cupich, Wenski, Maradiaga, et. al repeat the same arguments and comments, showing that they value the same things. Based upon their comments, it is clear that they are:
1. Arians - they NEVER talk about Christ, God but only of Christ, man.
2. Pelagians - Francis's odd talk about the magical nature of his "mercy gates" suggest that the actions we take secure our souls in heaven forever. There is never talk of Confession, Penance, or Repentance. This only makes sense if you don't feel that you need true belief and God's mercy. If true belief was important, wouldn't they focus on teaching the Faith correctly?
3. Humanists - they focus on efforts that we, as men, take in the world in order to save the world (Laudato Si, becoming subservient to the Globalist movement by embracing global warming.) They never talk about the presence of God, His Will, and His mercy as a change agent in the world.
Hopefully, the thoughts above at least get some of you thinking about what kind of leadership we have in the Church right now. But what about us, the truly faithful?
Our highest priority has to be Christ. We have to believe the Creed completely and totally. We have to understand Christ as all God and all man. We have to believe that there is nothing that we can do to secure our eternity if we don't believe that Christ is God. We must take the responsibility to educate ourselves through the writings of the Saints and previous Church documents (pre 20th century).
In short, we MUST have supernatural Faith in Christ as our highest priority.
Then we need to go where that supernatural faith takes us -- to the sacraments. We must honor, protect and serve the sacraments. But this has several levels. First, we must demand from our pastors the proper execution of these sacraments. And that's where it gets complicated.
In the changes that were inspired by the "spirit of Vatican II", all of the rubrics, prayers and orientations of the sacraments have changed. Have any of us questioned whether the sacraments are being executed properly? Has anyone ever gone to a TLM mass and reading through the Latin/English missal, began questioning where did all these prayers go when they created the Novus Ordo Mass?
Many of the protection prayers during baptism have been removed. Has anyone questioned why? Has anyone questioned the intention of the priest during the execution of the sacraments and whether that has an effect on their efficacy? In this last statement, I am not intending to delve into the realm of Donatism. There is a difference between holiness and belief and intention. I am not claiming that the priest has to be living saint for the sacraments to be legitimate. But I do believe it is worthy of discussion about whether honest belief in Christ and faithful execution of the proper intention of the sacrament might effect the efficacy of the sacrament.
From that point, what else should we value? Here is a non-exhaustive list of things to consider:
1. Properly run parishes and a revitalized parish life
2. Holy Priests and a revitalized Deaconate
3. Service to the poor
4. Properly run institutions (hospitals, orphanages, hospice care, food banks, etc.)
5. Liturgical beauty and holiness (proper rubrics, proper music, proper architecture of our churches)
6. Regular devotions (Eucharistic adoration, rosaries before mass, prayer groups. etc.)
7. Assistance to Catholic refugees and Catholics in 3rd world countries in need
8. Evangelization to the rest of the world
9. Public expression of the Faith (Corpus Christi processions, etc.)
There are many, many other things that could and should be listed for discussion as to where they stand as Catholic priorities. But in this time of war, when the heirs to the Apostles have abandoned us, it is up to us, the individual Catholic and the Catholic family to take responsibility for our individual supernatural faith and, I fear, the Faith itself.
And that begins with Christ, the Trinity and the Sacraments. If we are not clear about this, we are lost and the Church will be in ruin. It cannot, by definition, be destroyed. But that doesn't mean it can't sustain severe damage with millions of souls heading straight to Hell to empower and embolden that wretched beast.
Believe in the Trinity.
Profess the Creed.
Adore, protect, and receive the Eucharist reverently, professing the Real Presence of Christ in It.
Pray and fast.
Number of people signed up for daily rosaries for this intention: 1
On November 28th, I posted about the value of things in order to present a perspective on life, human events, and the Church that could be enlightening.
I want to continue this topic because for those of us who believe, it is crucial for us to understand how we prioritize our lives as well as evaluate how others prioritize theirs. Though our lives shouldn't be spent focusing on others, it is important for us to understand how our leaders orient their priorities and what they choose to tell us and teach us.
I focused on one speech from Pope Francis to show that he really doesn't prioritize supernatural Faith or the divinity of Christ. His priorities square with the humanism of liberation theology and he is guiding the Church based upon that set of values. His attacks on traditional, orthodox Catholics, equating them with the fundamentalists of other religions, clearly show his contempt for the orthodox view of Christ and the Church. That he says it so often suggests that it is a high priority for him to eliminate these Catholics from the fold while simultaneously welcoming everyone else in.
Pope Francis and his bishops like Cupich, Wenski, Maradiaga, et. al repeat the same arguments and comments, showing that they value the same things. Based upon their comments, it is clear that they are:
1. Arians - they NEVER talk about Christ, God but only of Christ, man.
2. Pelagians - Francis's odd talk about the magical nature of his "mercy gates" suggest that the actions we take secure our souls in heaven forever. There is never talk of Confession, Penance, or Repentance. This only makes sense if you don't feel that you need true belief and God's mercy. If true belief was important, wouldn't they focus on teaching the Faith correctly?
3. Humanists - they focus on efforts that we, as men, take in the world in order to save the world (Laudato Si, becoming subservient to the Globalist movement by embracing global warming.) They never talk about the presence of God, His Will, and His mercy as a change agent in the world.
Hopefully, the thoughts above at least get some of you thinking about what kind of leadership we have in the Church right now. But what about us, the truly faithful?
Our highest priority has to be Christ. We have to believe the Creed completely and totally. We have to understand Christ as all God and all man. We have to believe that there is nothing that we can do to secure our eternity if we don't believe that Christ is God. We must take the responsibility to educate ourselves through the writings of the Saints and previous Church documents (pre 20th century).
In short, we MUST have supernatural Faith in Christ as our highest priority.
Then we need to go where that supernatural faith takes us -- to the sacraments. We must honor, protect and serve the sacraments. But this has several levels. First, we must demand from our pastors the proper execution of these sacraments. And that's where it gets complicated.
In the changes that were inspired by the "spirit of Vatican II", all of the rubrics, prayers and orientations of the sacraments have changed. Have any of us questioned whether the sacraments are being executed properly? Has anyone ever gone to a TLM mass and reading through the Latin/English missal, began questioning where did all these prayers go when they created the Novus Ordo Mass?
Many of the protection prayers during baptism have been removed. Has anyone questioned why? Has anyone questioned the intention of the priest during the execution of the sacraments and whether that has an effect on their efficacy? In this last statement, I am not intending to delve into the realm of Donatism. There is a difference between holiness and belief and intention. I am not claiming that the priest has to be living saint for the sacraments to be legitimate. But I do believe it is worthy of discussion about whether honest belief in Christ and faithful execution of the proper intention of the sacrament might effect the efficacy of the sacrament.
From that point, what else should we value? Here is a non-exhaustive list of things to consider:
1. Properly run parishes and a revitalized parish life
2. Holy Priests and a revitalized Deaconate
3. Service to the poor
4. Properly run institutions (hospitals, orphanages, hospice care, food banks, etc.)
5. Liturgical beauty and holiness (proper rubrics, proper music, proper architecture of our churches)
6. Regular devotions (Eucharistic adoration, rosaries before mass, prayer groups. etc.)
7. Assistance to Catholic refugees and Catholics in 3rd world countries in need
8. Evangelization to the rest of the world
9. Public expression of the Faith (Corpus Christi processions, etc.)
There are many, many other things that could and should be listed for discussion as to where they stand as Catholic priorities. But in this time of war, when the heirs to the Apostles have abandoned us, it is up to us, the individual Catholic and the Catholic family to take responsibility for our individual supernatural faith and, I fear, the Faith itself.
And that begins with Christ, the Trinity and the Sacraments. If we are not clear about this, we are lost and the Church will be in ruin. It cannot, by definition, be destroyed. But that doesn't mean it can't sustain severe damage with millions of souls heading straight to Hell to empower and embolden that wretched beast.
Believe in the Trinity.
Profess the Creed.
Adore, protect, and receive the Eucharist reverently, professing the Real Presence of Christ in It.
Pray and fast.