Quick Rant...and Blase Cupich

Anyone reading this blog will quickly find that I have a furious anger against those who wish to destroy that which I hold dear.

I don't think in the ENTIRE history of the Church that we have had shepherds, as a whole, as incompetent, morally questionable, illogical and heretical as we have now (though I think Athanasius might want to suggest the decades he fought for the Church in rebuttal).  I will never be disgusted to be a Catholic, but I am disgusted by those who call themselves Catholics in the clerical and political arena who have no life within them. 

As I watch true Catholic warriors emerge, all my rants that I have kept to myself in private or with family will be exposed and tested to the Light.  I will stand by every single word I write here and I dare anyone that I call out to challenge me logically and with facts.  Fair warning -- I will not lose.

So, despite what is currently going on in the Church this day, I am publicly proclaiming a position that I came to during the Synod on the Family in Rome and it has to do with 1 bishop -- Archbishop of Chicago Blase Cupich.  He publicly declared heresy by stating the supremacy of "conscience" in determining who receives the Blessed Sacrament and who doesn't.  And presumably, given his past record, he has forced the priests beneath him to hold to this same standard under penalty of extreme prejudice and penalty shown them.

Therefore, because he has publicly proclaimed heresy and is forcing the priests in his archdiocese to act on a heretical position, I am calling for the following: Either Pope Francis demands the Arch. Cupich recant this heretical position and make reparation for the damage done to the Faith and for the desecration of the Eucharist because of this position --- or Pope Francis removes him from his position.

No longer will I stand by while the Lord is desecrated.  Now the question -- is there anyone in the Vatican with enough balls to defend the Faith and Our Lord?


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